Monday, June 15, 2009

June 13, 2009
Regal Fritillaries (Speyeria cybele)

Headed toward the western part of Missouri for the day in search of Regal Fritillaries (Speyeria idalia). I'll have to try again sometime, because I couldn't find a female today. I did get photos of both the dorsal and ventral side of males – there were quite a few today in Pettis County.

I also found a Robber Fly (Asilidae) ovipositing into a coneflower.

We headed south into Benton County in the morning because when we arrived at the prairie, it was cool and completely overcast despite a forecast of sunny weather which has been very scarce this year. We hiked a trail through a glade and found both Blue-fronted Dancer (Argia apicalis) and Powdered Dancer (Argia moesta). Fortunately, the sun broke through around noon.

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